March reflection

I love a good story.  Ever since being a child I have enjoyed reading stories and writing stories.  I remember once being given homework for biology to write a story that explained how the lungs worked.  I was told on my first attempt that I hadn’t done my best as I’d focussed too much on the technical details and not enough on the story and bringing it to life. 

Rather grumpily (Like many, I never did like being told I got something wrong!)  I did the assignment again.  This time inventing ‘gas’ characters that travelled up the tiny hairs in the wind pipe and adding pictures for extra effect.  I got an A+ in the end (we didn’t have A* in my day!) and I was proud of myself, but actually I think I learned less biology with that task and more just how powerful and engaging story can be.  How it can bring even something like the working of the lungs to life in a new way.

I’ve used story a lot in my role as a minister and often include stories in my work with schools, in care homes, in times of reflection and in worship.  I particularly like stepping in to the shoes of a character and trying to tell the story from their perspective. I like to think that in doing that, it can help us reflect on our own perspective, our own story.

At the end of the month, we will once again be sharing the story of Easter and I hope that in doing so we can bring new life to this story that, ultimately is all about just that.  New life.  Yes, it is a story with its technical details.  Jesus is killed on the cross and is raised from the dead.  But the story is about so much more than what actually happened.  The bigger story of Easter is the story of love.  Love that God has for the whole world.  Love that God has for you.  Love that God has for me.  Love that is offered even when we struggle and get things wrong.  Love that lets us start again, find our own new life, because of the new life of Jesus.

May we know God’s story of love in our own lives again this Easter.


Loving God, we thank you for the Easter story of your great love for us in Jesus.  May we know and share your love with all those people who are part of our story and in our communities.   Amen.

Easter blessings to you all, Lorna

Hello and welcome to the Shefford Methodist Church website. 

We try to post a weekly newsletter each week to keep people up to date with events and concerns.

The Need Project on a Wednesday morning welcomes all who need a helping hand with free food. 
It is filled every week with a variety of best-before date food that the supermarkets have to throw out on that day. 
Sometimes we have flowers, drinks, fruit and veg in abundance - we always have bread and cakes. We never know what we will be having!

Open now from 9.00-11am you will be sure of a warm welcome and a cup of tea or coffee from our friendly team. 
No referral is needed. It is open to all. You can come from anywhere to collect food if you are in need.

To know and love God more fully and to encourage others to do the same

Sunday Services

  Regular service time 9.30 .  
First Sunday of the month joint circuit worship 10.30am

See the Newsletter page for details.
Coffee mornings first Saturday of the month 10am-12.